“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself, just as I am, then I can change.”-Carl Rogers
Therapy for your nervous system, informed by your nervous system
Connection and Disconnection
Human beings are ‘wired’ to connect. Our minds, bodies, and spirits are endowed with the innate ability to attune to our ourselves, the world around us, and each other. When these connections are good and we feel worthy, safe, and capable of handling the challenges that life will throw our way. However, when past experiences have made connection with others, our emotions, or our bodies feel unsafe the world can be an overwhelming, invalidating and unpredictable place. We may lose sight of who we are and not be able to tap into resilience to make the changes we desperately want to make. It isn’t that something is wrong with you. It may be that your nervous system has become ‘hijacked’. Research on the brain and body suggest that when this is happening parts of the brain and body are literally “turning off” so that we can protect ourselves. The approaches I utilize work with the brain and body to help bring us back into attunement and unlearn what previous experiences may have taught you.
Poly-Vagal Informed Approaches
Therapy informed by Polyvagal Theory supposes that our body and nervous system is always looking for external and internal threats to our safety and well being. As humans, we have to respond to stressors, threats, and dangers in our environment. There is truly no bad part of our nervous system, but when this system becomes overwhelmed or experiences trauma, we may lose control of our ability to chose mindfully how we respond to threats or dangers. Come work with me to learn tools and skills to help bring the body back into safety and learn to connect with yourself, others, and the world around you.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
Starting the moment we are born, we begin to learn about ourselves, the world around us, and how to get our needs met. For example, when we cry as babies, how our caregiver or parents respond teaches us about ourselves and our needs. As life goes on we have countless experiences of varying importance and intensity that continue teach, guide, and shape us. Many of these experiences are positive and teach us we are worthy, important, or can do hard things. However, often we all have painful or traumatic experiences which have stuck with us—implicitly or explicitly. EMDR uses the brain’s natural ability to reprocess information (events and experiences) to help reduce or eliminate the pain experienced by these memories and to learn something new about ourselves so we no longer have to live or react from these hurt places. Read my blog on EMDR for more information on EMDR.
“Parts Work”
Ego States or “Parts Work” draws from the notion that within ourselves are many ‘parts’. These parts are comprised of experiences and memories which hold differing beliefs, emotional states, and responses to perceived threats or danger. When painful or traumatic events occur, we become out of tune with the parts of ourselves which may be trying to protect us or get our needs met. Ego States helps us tune back into these parts with compassion (yes even that part which you have come to dislike so very much) so that change becomes possible.
Welcoming your parts, experiences, and identities
We cannot discuss the mind, body, and spirit without acknowledging the diversity that exists within the human experience and our environment’s response to diverse identities. This can include, race, gender identity and expression, sexuality, socio-economic background, neuro-expression (autism, ADHD, etc.), disability status, and so much more. It is so important to recognize that we live in a society that idealizes what is perceives as “normal” or “correct”. This leads to the experiences of “isms”: racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and more. While I am by no means an expert in all of these lived experiences, I strive to recognize and incorporate these realities into the work of therapy and welcome you, your story, and identities into the healing space.
Your Mental Health is Worth Investing in:
In order to provide accessibility for clients I accept United Health Care, UMR, Aetna, and Select Health. I offer a limited number of slots for Medicaid members. To verify commercial insurance eligibility and get a quote for your copay visit my profile on Headway and request and appointment: Click Here
Out-of-Pocket Investment….$130 per session
Mental health is truly an investment that pays dividends to our physical health, life satisfaction, and quality of relationships. Peace, safety, and wholeness are priceless. That being said, I recognize cost is a factor in accessing mental health care. Read more in the FAQ section if you are curious about how therapists determine mental health rates.